Texas Holdem

Holdem, as you’re probably already aware is considered the most popular poker game around the world today. The games lure began in the United States in 2002 when Chris Moneymaker, an average Joe with the perfect name became an instant millionaire after winning the World Series of Poker. Moneymaker had purchased his ticket into the biggest event in the poker arena for mere pennies on the dollar by playing in a satellite poker event, showing the world that anyone could make it into the big leagues playing online poker.

The game is played with as few as 2, or as many as 10 (usually, though sometimes 11) players seated at a poker table. Each player’s dealt two cards. The players bet on the value of their two initial cards before the dealer places three more cards face up on the table or virtual table for those playing online, for all players to share. The players then bet on the value of their two cards mixed with the possibilities and actualities the new cards present. There are two more cards to come, one at a time, each dealt face up, and each preceding another betting round. Finally, the players make their last bets, and a winner is decided. Or that’s the short version of the game anyway. Almost all poker sites online offer games of Holdem poker in several forms, including real money cash games, tournaments, and sit n go events.

Omaha Poker

Omaha is played a lot like Holdem poker in that it is also played with hole cards and community cards. The biggest difference though is that in games of Omaha each player is dealt 4 cards instead of the two cards they receive when playing Holdem. The game is still won using the best 5 card hand which is made from only two of the players hole cards, and three of the community cards. Many new players will make the mistake of using more cards from their hand and not enough cards from the board. Another common mistake made by newer players is overvaluing hands.
Because players have those extra two cards to use in making their best hand, the odds are greater that players will make stronger hands like flushes and full houses, which leaves normally valuable hands like straights and trips pretty vulnerable in this game.

  • 888 Poker
  • Bet365
  • GR88 Poker

Seven Card Stud

Seven Card stud can be played as a high hand winds type game, or as a Hi-Low game. It’s almost always played limit style, which means there’s a preiposed limit on the amount that each player can bet during each round.
The goal when playing this game is to have the best card, which is created from 5 of your 7 cards, at the end of the game. If you’re playing high/low, you can use 5 cards to make your low, and then a different combination of cards, including cards you did or did not use before to make up your best high hand.
This isn’t a community card game, so each player is dealt their own cards, some of which are dealt face up, and some face down.

  •  888 Poker
  •  Bet365
  •  PokerStars
  • Razz

Razz is played just the same way that 7 Card Stud is, with one major exception, there’s no high.

  • GR88 Poker
  • Pokerstars

Badugi Poker

Badugi is a pretty scarce game online, but we’re seeing it crop up at more and more online poker sites. The game, a draw poker variant, was originally developed in Asia. Just as in lowball/razz poker games, the lowest ands win in Badugi, however, ands are not ranked the same way they are in other poker games.

  • GR88 Poker
  • PokerStars

2-7 Lowball

  • GR88 Poker
  • 5 Card Draw

Poker Sites with Side Games

  • Blackjack
  • GR88 Poker

Poker Sites with Full online Casinos


Poker Sites with Sportsbooks

  • GR88 Poker
  • Bovada Poker
  • Betfair

Be sure to set your bookmark to this page so you’ll know where to find us if you’re ever on the prowl for new and interesting online poker games as we’re adding to this list on a continuous basis!

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